Happy New Year! Even though we are two months into the year long preparation for Ironman Florida, the year in which it will occur is upon us. I was born in 1979, ‘98 I graduated high school, ’01 engaged, ’02 married, ‘03 graduated college, ’04 started my banking career ’05,’06, and ’07 my children were born, ‘09 we moved to Friendswood. 2011 will be defined by the Ironman.
My training plan prescribes workouts everyday; therefore I am provided daily opportunity for reflection and a few recurring thoughts help pass the miles. I think about race day. I am most frequently reminded of this when my body hurts or the external conditions are less than favorable. I am reminded that I will hurt and we are not guaranteed flat seas or low humidity on race day. It’s hard to accept in the moment, but training in all the wind we’ve had lately is a good thing. I think of those who support me. It’s rare I go out for a long run or ride without a familiar face waving or honking. I often think about my wife and children and how lucky I am to have them. I hope the result of all this is a better husband and father for them. I hope they learn the value of fitness and chasing lofty goals. I am daily reminded of the glory of God. Ironman is a challenge of the human mind, body, and spirit; each of which was designed, created, and given life by God. Each week as paces quicken and distances lengthen I am surprised by what this body is capable of. God’s glory is also displayed in creation. Sometimes it is in my favor, sometimes not. I love running on a crisp day or into a bright orange sunset. Other times it’s riding into a 25mph head wind or being caught in the rain. All display the power and ability that is so much greater than my own.
Resolve to lose weight this year? I rang in the 2007 new year at 220 pounds. Fortunately that day a new 24hr Fitness opened near by and I was there almost daily for the next three months where I lost 30 pounds. Over the next few months I got down to my healthy weight and have maintained it since. In addition to working out regularly I quit drinking 48+ ounces of Dr. Pepper a day and adopted healthier and sustainable eating habits. Without those changes, none of this would be possible.
Resolve to lose weight this year? I rang in the 2007 new year at 220 pounds. Fortunately that day a new 24hr Fitness opened near by and I was there almost daily for the next three months where I lost 30 pounds. Over the next few months I got down to my healthy weight and have maintained it since. In addition to working out regularly I quit drinking 48+ ounces of Dr. Pepper a day and adopted healthier and sustainable eating habits. Without those changes, none of this would be possible.
Training is progressing well. According to dailymile.com I just logged mile 1,000. Cycling and running time trials have quickened and I am gaining technique and fitness on the swim. I am in good health besides the IT band that keeps getting irritated and tightening. I will take that over the shin splits that plagued my previous year’s training. I have a few weeks left in outseason base training and then I will begin a race prep training for the Lonestar Half Ironman in April. That race is at Moody Gardens in Galveston and great showing of professional and amateur athletes. January will conclude will the Houston half marathon. My original ambition was to run my first marathon, but I was easily persuaded that marathon and Ironman training may not be beneficial. Watching the Ironman World Championship last month was a big boost. It is saved on the DVR and played when I’m having a hard time getting off the couch. I survived the holidays without putting on too much weight, but will focus on getting down to my “race weight” over the next few months. Tri4Him is starting regular team workouts again and that is always a great time of work and fellowship. As I logged onto the blog I read over Tobey's entries from this time last year http://www.teamstevenstri.blogspot.com/. I was reminded of how much work is ahead, how quickly it will pass, and what an adventure it will be. I am so glad to have all of you along for the ride- It’s going to be a good year!
Shout out to the Hagans reading all the way from Angola Africa- thanks for taking my blog international!
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