I returned a few days ago from the 2010 Ironman Florida where I was privileged to witness Tobey Stevens complete his first 140.6 and become an Ironman. His race report at www.teamstevenstri.blogspot.com will shed some light on why I'm doing this. Last year Ronnie Reeves completed the same task. Ronnie's wife Cindy became an Ironman (yes, women are called Ironman too) in June in Coeur d'Alene then again in Ironman's Mecca of Kona Hawaii. These athletes have demonstrated to me that the challenge of becoming an Ironman is extremely difficult, yet attainable and worth the price.
I met David White when I was about four years old. After getting reacquainted over the Summer we made the 600 mile road trip to Florida together. We'll do many more miles than that over the months to come. I played Little League with Kyle Crowell and I like to think I had a small part in his professional baseball career. Together we will train and race the Ironman.
We are members of the triathlon teamTri4Him and coached by it's founder Jeff Booher, or Coach Boo as he's known. It is through this organization we receive invaluable expertise, advise, and coaching. They will also provide spiritual and physical support. These will be the guys riding along side us on our 130 mile rides, swimming in murky ponds, and making sure we're getting in our daily workouts. These guys will pray for us and with us as they have every other team member. Our success is dependent upon this group of people.
Through it all my ambition is to glorify God. To maximize this body he has given me. To be light in the dark triathlon community. To help others keep going when their bodies want to stop. I want my children to see the reward of a life lived with discipline, purpose, lofty goals, and complete dependency upon God. I want to maximize my healthy to have as many years with my wife, children, and grandchildren as I can. I want to inspire others as I have been inspired.
Lots of thoughts still unwritten, but as my wife lovingly reminded me after a lengthy phone conversation with Kyle it's almost a year away!
Year of the Ironman
Ironman is every person trying to find out what he can do. Swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles, run 26.2 miles, brag for the rest of your life.
I will brag. Not in my own ability, but in the power of God who created me. The God who loved, ransomed, restored, mercied, and graced me. It is in Him I have ability. It is in Him I find strength, refuge, and healing. It is to Him I will strive to give all glory, for this race and the race of life.
I am not going at this alone. Also competing are two friends I have known since childhood. It will be an honor to train and race at their side. My wife and children are what get me through the hours of monotony and keep me going when I want to stop. Thoughts of them ease the pain. My team mates and coach at Tri4Him provide experience, advise, and physical & spiritual support. Success would not be possible without each of these relationships.
It takes a village to make an Ironman and my village is strong. This is my journey through the year of the Ironman. A journey that leads to Panama City Beach, Florida on November 5, 2011